Let's turn your ideas into the romance you've always dreamed of writing.

Let's turn your ideas into the romance you've always dreamed of writing.

Words with Mel

Hey there. I'm Mel.

I work with beginning romance writers who secretly yearn for someone to help them with their novel. From Teen to Adult, I fill in the gap between well-meaning friends or beta readers and a literary agent or acquisition editor at the publishing house. I show you how to turn your ideas into the story you’ve always wanted to write.

It is hard to go from an amazing idea to completed manuscript with all the swoon-worthy details your heart longs to include!

  • There's the aggravation of getting sucked into plot holes.
  • Hung out to dry on your timeline.
  • Dialogue that's worse than a bad first date.
  • But most important are the decisions that will set your characters apart and make them obsessively memorable.

These decisions are critical for success. I'm here to be your novel's best friend and give it the happy ending it deserves. I'd love to work with you! Scroll down to see how I can help.

Mel of Words with Mel

Bad writing happens to great stories all the time.

Bad writing happens to great stories all the time.
Don't Cheat Your Happy Ending ebook

Get Your FREE Copy


Don't Cheat
Your Happy Ending

I've assembled seven important elements to help your love story find its happy ending. From identifying THE things that will set your story apart to writing believable characters to keeping dialog real, let's give your reader a reason to swoon. Grab your copy today!

When you sign up, you can choose to add yourself to my mailing list. About once a week I share tips for creating great romance and other juicy details. I promise to keep my notes short and sweet.

I don't spam. You can unsubscribe any time.

When I get stuck, I need:

A brainstorming buddy to think aloud.

A second set of eyes to ask, “But what about…?”

A voice to whisper, “Have you considered…?”

A person who's not afraid to say, “Um, this doesn’t work.”

I would love to do this for you!

Let's Work Together

I offer several packages for different stages of your romance writing journey.

Starter Pack


plus 3¢ per word

Budding Love

This is the perfect package for the beginning romance writer. It's especially good for those who are still in the planning stage or have less than half their story written.

  • 1 hour meet & greet + concept exploration
  • 1 report with suggested high-level overview changes + noted issues
  • 2 additional hours of brainstorming
  • 3¢ per word for proofreading
  • Optional: Marco Polo video Q&A message support available

Full Support


plus 5¢ per word

Toe Curling Obsession

If you're serious about getting your manuscript where it needs to go.

  • 1 hour meet & greet + concept exploration
  • 1 report after first reading with suggested high-level overview changes + noted issues
  • 1 report after second reading with detailed suggestions for changes
  • 7 additional hours of brainstorming, coaching, misc 1-on-1
  • 5¢ per word for two complete readings of your manuscript
  • Optional: Marco Polo video Q&A message support available

Additional Word Fee: an additional 3¢ per word fee will be added to the second manuscript if its word count exceeds the original by more than 500 words

Flexible Help


Let's Brainstorm

The "I’m Stuck" Package

If you've ever wished you could sit down with someone to talk through the plot, characters, and thoughts in your head, this is where it happens.

Provide me with a 1000 word summary of your novel, ideas, and roadblocks, then we'll schedule a time to work through them.

  • 4 hours of 1-on-1 brainstorming ideas and working through the details of your story
  • Flexible scheduling, either small blocks or large chunks
  • Optional: Marco Polo video Q&A message support available

Book Your Discovery Call Today!